Our Top Kitchen Cabinet Refinishing Tips

Is it your first time refinishing your cabinets? Do you need the best kitchen cabinet tips to pull off this type of project? You’ve definitely come to the right place.

Refinishing your cabinets isn’t the easiest of home projects. But it’s a little easier when you have the pros to help.

Today, we’re going over our top tips for refinishing kitchen cabinets so you don’t wind up with a kitchen cabinet nightmare. Let’s get started, shall we?

Consider Your Hardware When Choosing A Finish

Knobs, handles, and hinges may not be the most important things to think about, but they definitely shouldn’t be forgotten. So, when you’re choosing a finish for your cabinets, consider the tone of the hardware and whether it will blend or clash. Or, you can also have them replaced with newer and better-fitting hardware for the new finish.

Don’t Skip A Single Step Of The Refinishing Process 

Each step of the refinishing process is equally important to the outcome. Skipping any of the steps to try and save time or effort will only result in poor results. Prep work is usually the most forgotten step. And unfortunately, it’s the most important. So, remember to have patience with the process and see it all the way through.

Know When Your Cabinets Aren’t Worth Refinishing

Often, refinishing is an ideal option. However, there are a few instances where it may not be worth it. Sometimes cabinet doors are so damaged or worn that even the best refinishing process couldn‘t restore them. Determine your cabinet’s condition before deciding whether or not to refinish them.

Keep Everything Organized 

Refinishing your cabinets can turn into an overwhelming mess if you’re not organized. So, do one cabinet or section at a time to avoid confusion. Or, label each cabinet and component so that reassembly doesn’t end up being a giant jigsaw puzzle.

Work Outdoors Or Use Extra Safety Measures

Cabinet refinishing involves a lot of chemicals and dust, neither of which are really good to have in your kitchen, of all places. The safest thing to do is take the project outside or in your garage if you can. This also makes cleaning so much easier. If you can’t, seal off your kitchen and cover everything with plastic protective sheets.

Use Humidity-Resistant Cabinet Paint, NOT Wall Paint

Wall paint isn’t fit for the amount of moisture that cabinets are subjected to. It wouldn’t last a year without bubbling and peeling right into the pots on your stove. Gross! So, make sure to use humidity-resistant paint made just for kitchen cabinets.

Our Best Kitchen Cabinet Refinishing Tip: It’s ALWAYS Better To Go For A Pro!

Our best cabinet refinishing tip is to get it done professionally. And we’re not just saying that! Refinishing your cabinets is a detailed, delicate process that has the best results when done by skilled and experienced hands.

Contact us today to give your cabinets the upgrade they need and deserve. 


Should You Reface, Refinish, Or Replace Your Cabinets? 


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